View Profile Zen1th
Crisis @Zen1th

Age 39, Male



Joined on 8/21/04

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Ok right, I know, this is the first time you see me creating a newspost. I guess I've been busy and didn't want to share the secrets of my next flash project. A little time after Myth and me submitted our little game called Invasion Tactical Defense to Newgrounds we received a lot of positive comments on it. Well yeah, along with them were quite a few negative ones too but heck, you can't please everyone.

I know Invasion was quite a statical game, configure your cannons before the start of the battle, repair or upgrade your factory and increase your personnel. That was about all the game was about, or so stated the biggest complaint. I guess that was kind of a choice since me and Myth hate those defense games where you have to keep on clicking and clicking until your arm dies of as a result of RSI. Yet, there were several defense games already there that were totally awesome. So, to not make another one of those we tried a different approach in Invasion. I guess it worked, at least for a large group of people, but because of the great feedback we got on the game (apart from the comments on our blasphemous spelling errors) we also realized that some things had to change.

Now there's this new game that I've been working on for quite a long time. Myth came with a concept of a shooting game some time ago and after I started working on the thing we came to the conclusion that we could make a lot more out of it than a simple shooting game. So instead of making it just a shooter game, it also has elements of tactical defense and character development.

It's not finished yet, but it's getting close. I just hope I have the time left to finish it soon because a busy Graduation period is coming up for me. Either way, I'll put in a preview picture (too bad I can't add more than one, but you'll have to do with this one ;)). I hope you guys like it.

Project Invasion II